The world is in a state of panic. As the news of new Coronavirus cases spreads, so do feelings of despair and anxety. The advice and measures shared by the World Health Organization are clear: wash hands regularly; use hand sanitizers in instances where hand washing is not possible. Maintain a distance of 1-2m when interacting with others; avoid going out unless absolutely necessary and self-isolate for 14 days if you are feeling ill. If you exhibit any of the symptoms at home quarantine is essential but the questions arising from many speak to nuances of health and what to do to give yourself and your family a fighting chance of either not contracting Covid-19 or ensuring in some way that if you do, your body has the resources to fight it effectively. Diet and supplementation has largely been dismissed by most mainstream medical practitioners, but the voice of reason is growing louder: we can make changes that will build resilience mentally and emotionally and physically.
Key Lifestyle habits that can significantly boost your resistance against infections and every choice you make moves you towards ill health or optimal health. With effective research-backed botanicals to help your body fight any kind of viral infection, Dr Rory has developed a working document with details on a variety of herbs and botanicals that assist the various systems and organs involved in immune responses. Building a responsive immunity is the foundation of any kind of optimal health and healing
“The Corona Virus is here to stay. Epidemiology models predict 70% of the world’s population will get COVID-19 within the next 3 years. The virus has a 2-week incubation period and is highly contagious. The majority of people will recover however, at least 90%! Those most affected will be of the age 60 plus, so supporting immune system functioning is critical to recovery and to try and prevent progression to viral pneumonia.” Dr Rory
We know that many medical establishments are overwhelmed and perhaps you can’t get treatment, so what can you do? Dr Rory outlines tools that have been used successfully for 1000’s of years.
What can we do to protect ourselves? The more you nourish your body, the stronger your immune system is to fight any virus. Viruses do not respond to antibiotics as they are non-living. They have to essentially high-jack your body’s cells to replicate, in this case the Coronavirus has coding specifically for the lungs which can cause shortness of breath and progression into pneumonia.
We need to understand that protection is multifaceted and takes into consideration the following:
- Clean – Healthy Diet
- Eliminate Foods that suppress immunity and fee viral replication
- Healthy Lifestyle
- Boosting Innate Immunity
- Stock up on Botanical antivirals for acute infections
- Clean Healthy Diet:
Eat as clean and as fresh as possible. This means eating from the fresh isle.
Abundant fresh fruit: These will give abundant nutrients like vitamin C and other antioxidants Blue Berries are a great choice!
Fresh Vegetables
Fresh proteins: like fish, grass-fed, grass-finished meat where possible
Alkaline water – high alkalinity improves immunity and reduces the environment for viral replication
Fresh lemon added to water
- Eliminate Foods that suppress immunity and feed viral replication:
NO Wheat
NO Sugar – from sweets and all sources barring RAW, non-irradiated honey which contains powerful anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties.
NO Refined oils (No Fried Foods)
Avoid other bad fats from Eggs, Pork, Prawns. These particular proteins feed viral replication.
Excessive amounts of fried oils and fats even from nut butters like peanut butter and almond butters reduce the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood which is needed for immune response and maintaining oxidative metabolism of the cell. Hydrogenated PUFA’S, polyunsaturated and bleached fatty acids like omega 9, especially from sunflower oil and canola oil, suppress oxygen supply, increase oxidative stress, create inflammation and suppress immunity.
- Healthy Lifestyle
Avoid alcohol
Get sufficient sleep and rest
Exercise for at least 20minutes per day in any form that gets heart rate above 120 beats for that period, this improves oxygenation, and boosts immunity.
Have naps
Read a book
Have a digital detox
Still the mind – Meditation has been proven to boost immunity and lower stress hormones that suppress immunity
Take Epsom salts and Bicarb baths regularly to alkaline and oxygenate
Use Lemon in all your water
Specific Immune Boosting Foods to be Eaten Daily:
Brazil nuts – Very high in SELENIUM. Soul are extremely low in South Africa selenium and it critical for white blood cell production and response to viral infections and production of key immune compounds like glutathione. Eat 3-4 per nuts per day.
Pumpkin Seeds and canned oysters: Very high in ZINC. 80% if not more of people are chronically and heavily depleted in Zinc which is the most crucial mineral for antibody production and immune support against viral infections, viral infections deplete zinc rapidly.
Lemons- High in Vitamin C
Garlic- High is sulfur compounds for Glutathione
All Berries- Blue Berries, Goji, Cranberries
Maitake- Shiitake Mushrooms as food everyday have powerful immune boosting effects
Dr. Rory’s Key Supplements to Build, Strengthen Maintain Immunity & Preventive Measures:
The stronger your immunity the better your innate coping mechanisms, this increases the rate at which your recover and reduces the risk of COVID-19 creating serious, if not life threatening, issues.
Key immune building supplements:
These are nutrients, herbs and botanicals that have clinical evidence of building immunity and resistance to infections. Some have been used for thousands of years. You can use a combination of any of the below and whole mix in a protocol.
- VITAMIN C – 2grams in Non-acidic Ester C (2000mg)
- Astragalus – Solgar, PhytoForce
- Echinacea – EchinaForce
- Cats Claw – Solgar – Phytofroce
- Fulvic Acid – Humicaps or Neoflora
- Glutathione – NeoGenesis
- Vitamin D3 – Metagenics, Sfera, NeoGenesis D3 Patch
- Zinc – Solgar – Zinplex
- Selenium – Solgar – Zinplex
- Vitamin B 12- Methylcobalamine – B12 Patches – NeoGenesis or Solgar
- Colostrum – Good Health or any other
- Beta Glucans – Solgar
- Probiotics – Neoflora
- L-Lysine – Solgar – Slows viral replication and suppers antibody production.
- Immucil- NeoGenesis (Best combo of immune boosting herbs in one)
- Moringa – Nutrient Dense super food
- Spirulina- Nutrient dense super food with verified research for immune support
- Medicinal Mushrooms Mix – Any of the combinations of Cordycepts, Maitake, Shiitake, Reishi
Neoflora (By NeoGenesis)- 70% of immunity sits in your gut lining lymphoid tissue and supported by a whole microbiome of good bacteria. I have clients that have used this product daily and have not been sick in 4 years!
Humicaps (By NeoGenesis) – significant research in immunity building on multiple levels. Most powerful mineral for alkalinity and PH. Creating right environment for optimal immunity.
Glutathione 500 (By NeoGenesis)- 1 cap 2xday – Proven to almost double immunity and white blood cells within a few weeks
Immucil (By NeoGenesis)- 20 drops 2xday immune building dose
Lamaria (By NeoGenesis)- daily dose – Capsules or drops – basic maintenance dose
Sutherlandia (By NeoGenesis) 1 cap per day preventatively
Best Supplements to Use During An Infection, In Self Isolation Quarantine
Recommended if you cannot access medical treatment or even in conjunction with allopathic treatment, i.e treatment recommended by your doctor.
After discussions with my Chinese professors and their feedback on the results and success of combination treatment with medical treatment in China, those that received traditional Chinese herbal treatment with concomitant medical treatment had a 75% recovery vs a 33% recovery rate with those who didn’t.
It’s my opinion that one may as well do whatever possible to arm oneself with tools that can assist immunity and or reduce virus growth and supplement one or a combination of 2, 3 or 4 of the below (depending on budget) to give yourself a fighting chance of speedy recovery and no lingering damage to your lungs or post viral effects.
I list many below as you may find it very difficult to get a few of these with supply chain disruptions and panic buying as many of these are already starting to sell out across my stores, so I have listed the most effective antivirals I know of, that have research behind them, and that I have successfully used in practice for over 16 years. I have seen them work for the most severe infections such a Swine Flu, Bird flu, TB, Cocksakie virus, Dengue fever virus, Glandular fever, Pneumonia’s of various source, when nothing else worked and generally severe Influenza and Colds which is a Corona virus strain.
You can use many of these together, use a combination of whatever you can get hold of. Ordering online may be the most efficient and quickest way to get stock as many retailers are sold out. I know Vitamin C prices have sky rocketed and some products are already becoming scarce.
- ELDERBERRY – Sambucol or Solgar or Phytoforce
- PELARGONIUM SIDOIDES – NeoGenesis Health Flugo
- ARTEMISIA ANNUA (Chinese Wormwood) NeoGenesis Lamaria 6x
- SUTHERLANDIA – NeoGenesis Health
- ECHINACEA – EchinaForce or Solgar
- PAU D’ARCO – Phytoforce
- OLIVE LEAF – NeoGenesis
- ANDROGRAPHIS – Himalaya or ViralScript by Medford
- LEMON BALM – Tea or Phytoforce
- BLACK CUMIN SEED EXTRACT – Neogenesis Health
- Exterior Heat- CHINA HERB. Brilliant Antiviral Formula
- Clear Lung Heat – CHINA HERB. Brilliant Lung Formula for infection with dryness and inflammation of the lungs
- Colloidal Silver – Can be Nebulised with directly into the lungs as well and taken internally at 20 mls 3-4xday to slow viral replication
- Zinc Chelate – 30-60mg per day during infection
- Selenium
Dosing is a very important. In acute cases high quality sources of the above can be dosed every 2 hours for quicker response.
My TOP 3 Botanicals for Fighting Viral Infections:
Pelargonium Sidoides is a South Africa botanical used successfully during the Spanish Flu Pandemic with Sutherlandia. So much so that Pelargonium is one of the most researched and effective antiviral and immune cold and flu support herbs in Europe with clinical trials behind it. Story goes that the San Bushmen in the Cape gave it to settlers dying of Spanish flu and they recovered and fair far better than those that didn’t drink the tea, it was then taken back to Germany and cult is aged and used there.
Sutherlandia is also a powerful antiviral and was what local medicine men used to assist with the sever flu pandemic with relabeled results. I have seen it work for all sorts viral infection and immune related issues. They are local South African botanicals which should be easier for South Africans to access then imported herbs that may have major supply disruptions because of ports closing.
These frankly are my two favourite botanicals along with Chinese Wormwood for Viral infections. Chinese wormwood probably has the greatest fighting chances against viral infections traditionally was used for Malaria in China. We have used for years against serve viruses including Dengue Fever and other forms of SARS viruses. This is my favorite option and primary option for support because of consistently brilliant results and feedback from 1000’s of practitioners that use it locally and internationally.
A side note: treatments for the Coronavirus that have been working according to my research, are Chloroloquin which was used for Malaria. Only because of the outcomes and results in practice for wide ranges of viral infections: if you can’t get access to Tamiflu, Antiretrovirals or Chloroquine because of shortages. I recommend the following:
- Vitamin C upwards of 2 grams every 3 hours. Use Non-Acidic Ester C (SOLGAR) or Liposomal Vitamin C (COYNE Healthcare)
A favourite protocol and products during acute infections which pretty much covers all of the above herbs is as follows:
- High dose vitamin C – ESTER C SOLGAR – 2 grams every 3 hours.
- Zinc – Solgar zinc lozenges or Zinc chelate 30- 60mgs per day during infection.
- Flugo – high dose pelargonium, with other herbs. 2 capsules 3xday
- Lamaria (Chinese Wormwood) higher doses 2xcapsules 3xday of regular or 1 cap 3x day of Lamaria 6x for higher fever and intense infections.
- Black Cumin Seed – NeoGenesis – 1 cap 3xday
- Sutherlandia – 1 cap 3xday
- Olive Leaf – NeoGenesis – 1 cap 4 day
- Oxygen drops – H202 – Dilute 35% food grade Hydrogen peroxide in water 2-3 drops per 500ml.
It’s is my hope that this article provides you with enough practical information to help you make an informed decision during these challenging times. It is by no means meant to be a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Given the self-isolation and quarantine measure I understand that it may be difficult to see your practitioner unless your symptoms progress to a stage that warrants a consultation. So please exercise caution, adhere to the advice of local authorities and the World Health Organization.
Stay Safe & Stay Healthy
Dr Rory Jean-Jacques
Nauturopath & Botanical Medicine Specialist
LiveFit with Stace has arranged a 10% discount on all purchases, either in store or online! Use the code LiveFit10 (For NeoGenesis Products) (for any health shop products or to purchase from retail shop at malls)
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Medical Disclaimer: Information on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. The information is a result of years of practice experience by the author. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information on this web site for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read on this web site. Information provided on this web site and the use of any products or services purchased from our web site by you DO NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and any of the physicians affiliated with our web site. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by Authorities and National Bodies and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We respect your privacy. Your information is never shared with anyone. Ever.